
  • 29 Jun, 2024

Exposing NIS2: How Europe's Confidential Asset Battles Cybersecurity Threats

Exposing NIS2: How Europe's Confidential Asset Battles Cybersecurity Threats

In an effort to combat the increasing number of cybersecurity threats, Europe has developed a secret weapon known as NIS2. This confidential asset has been developed to tackle cyber attacks and protect critical infrastructure throughout the European Union.

NIS2 stands for the Network and Information Systems Directive 2. It is an updated version of the original directive, NIS1, which was introduced in 2016. NIS1 aimed to increase the resilience of critical infrastructure by ensuring that certain companies, such as energy providers and transportation companies, had adequate cybersecurity measures in place.

NIS2 takes this a step further by expanding the scope of the directive to cover more types of companies and organizations. It also requires member states to establish Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs), which will be responsible for responding to cyber-attacks and ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to prevent future attacks.

The development of NIS2 comes at a time when cyber attacks are becoming increasingly frequent and sophisticated. In recent years, there have been several high-profile cyber attacks on European organizations, including the 2017 WannaCry attack that affected hospitals and businesses across the continent.

NIS2 is designed to help prevent these types of attacks by ensuring that critical infrastructure is adequately protected. This includes everything from energy and transportation systems to hospitals and financial institutions.

One of the key features of NIS2 is the requirement for companies to report any significant cyber incidents to their national CSIRT. This will enable the CSIRT to quickly respond to the incident and take appropriate action to prevent further damage. It will also help to improve overall cybersecurity by allowing CSIRTs to share information and best practices with each other.

Another important aspect of NIS2 is the requirement for companies to conduct regular cybersecurity risk assessments. This will help them to identify potential vulnerabilities and take steps to address them before they can be exploited by cyber attackers.

While NIS2 is a significant step forward in the battle against cyber threats, it is not without its challenges. One of the biggest challenges is ensuring that companies are aware of their obligations under the directive and take appropriate action to comply with them.

To address this challenge, the European Union has launched a public awareness campaign to educate companies about the importance of cybersecurity and the requirements of NIS2. The campaign includes a series of webinars and other resources designed to help companies understand the directive and take steps to comply with it.

In addition to the awareness campaign, the European Union is also providing funding to member states to help them establish and operate their CSIRTs. This funding will help to ensure that the CSIRTs have the resources they need to respond to cyber incidents and protect critical infrastructure.

Overall, NIS2 is a significant step forward in the battle against cyber threats. Expanding the scope of the original directive and requiring companies to take specific actions to improve their cybersecurity, it will help to protect critical infrastructure and prevent future cyber attacks. While there are challenges associated with implementing the directive, the European Union is taking steps to address these challenges and ensure that companies are able to comply with the requirements of NIS2.