
  • 27 Jun, 2024

Hackers adopt double DLL sideloading technique for evading detection

Hackers adopt double DLL sideloading technique for evading detection

In recent years, the threat of cyber-attacks has increased significantly, and hackers are constantly developing new techniques to evade detection and carry out their malicious activities.

One of the latest techniques that have emerged is the use of double DLL sideloading. This technique allows hackers to hide their activities and bypass security measures, making it harder for security teams to detect and respond to attacks.

So, what exactly is double DLL sideloading? It is a technique that involves the use of two DLL files to load and execute a malicious payload on a victim's system. DLL files, or dynamic link libraries, are files that contain code and data that can be used by multiple programs at the same time. They are an essential part of the Windows operating system and are used to make programs more efficient by sharing common functions.

Hackers take advantage of this functionality by using DLL files to load and execute malicious code on a victim's system. They use a technique called DLL sideloading to trick the system into loading a malicious DLL file instead of a legitimate one. DLL sideloading works by exploiting vulnerabilities in legitimate programs that allow DLL files to be loaded from insecure locations.

Double DLL sideloading takes this technique one step further by using two DLL files instead of one. The first DLL file is a legitimate one that is used to load a second malicious DLL file. The second DLL file contains the actual payload that the hacker wants to execute on the victim's system. By using two DLL files, hackers can bypass security measures that are designed to detect and prevent DLL sideloading.

Double DLL sideloading is a particularly effective technique because it allows hackers to evade detection by security software. Many security solutions are designed to detect DLL sideloading by monitoring the behavior of DLL files on a system. However, with double DLL sideloading, the legitimate DLL file is loaded first, which makes it appear as if everything is normal. By the time the malicious DLL file is loaded, it is too late for security solutions to detect it.

Another advantage of double DLL sideloading is that it allows hackers to bypass application whitelisting. Application whitelisting is a security measure that allows only trusted applications to run on a system. By using a legitimate DLL file, hackers can bypass application whitelisting and execute their malicious payload.

Double DLL sideloading is not a new technique, but it has become more prevalent in recent years. Hackers are constantly developing new techniques to evade detection and bypass security measures, and double DLL sideloading is just one example of this. As such, it is important for organizations to be aware of this technique and to take steps to protect themselves against it.

One way to protect against double DLL sideloading is to use a security solution that is specifically designed to detect this technique. Some security solutions use advanced techniques, such as machine learning, to detect and prevent double DLL sideloading. Another approach is to monitor the behavior of DLL files on a system and look for signs of suspicious activity.

Organizations should also implement best practices for application security. This includes keeping software up to date with the latest security patches and using only trusted applications. Organizations should also train their employees to be vigilant and to report any suspicious activity that they encounter.

In conclusion, double DLL sideloading is a technique that is increasingly being used by hackers to evade detection and carry out malicious activities. This technique allows hackers to bypass security measures and execute their payloads without being detected. It is important for organizations to be aware of this technique and to take steps to protect themselves against it. By implementing best practices for application security and using advanced security solutions, organizations can reduce their risk of falling victim to a double DLL sideloading attack.